First of 4 semesters
MSP1101 Statistics
MSP1102 Research Methodology of Sociology of Minority
MSP1103 Management Psychology
MSP1104 Modern Social Theories
MSP1105 Social Ethics
MSP1106 Modern Trends in Education
MSP1107 Theories of Social Pedagogy
MSP1108 Society and Social Policy
MSP2102 Sociological Theories of Deviance
Second of 4 semesters
MSP1209 Sociology of Organization, Institutional Climate
MSP1202 Development of Management Skills - Leadership Skills Development
MSP1203 School Theories, Pedagogical Innovations
MSP1204 Intercultural Education
MSP1205 Sectoral Social Policy
MSP2203 Social Pedagogy of Demographic Groups
MSP2204 Introduction to Geronto Education
MSP2205 Helping Theories of Methods
MSP2207 Community and Civil Studies
Third of 4 semesters
Fourth of 4 semesters